50+ FREE Stock Photography Sites

Looking for FREE Stock Photography for your blog, website, or business? Look no further. We’ve literally compiled the ULTIMATE list of free stock photography sites. It actually makes my a little giddy to think about it. ‘Cause here’s the truth… If you want to make your website, blog, or social media graphics captivating, the secret…

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How To Fire a Client

So the time has come for you to fire a client, eh? It’s a tough realization to make, and once you do – it can be even tougher to know how to handle it appropriately.

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It’s time to put together your first virtual assistant contract. I know… you’re nervous. What needs to be included? How can I make sure I’m covered, legally? We had so much positive feedback from our last post/interview with Danielle Liss from Businessese, that we thought it would be good to do a follow-up post to…

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Hiring Subcontractors for Your VA Business

Get ready for the best virtual assistant subcontracting advice you’ve ever received. *Ta-da!* Seriously… this interview will completely revolutionize your thoughts about how you start subcontracting as a VA. I’m super excited to be sharing with you today an interview with my friend Kena Roth from Kena Roth Business Solutions. Kena has been in the…

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The Virtual Assistant’s Guide to Onboarding Clients

Today, we’re going to take a deep-dive look at your VA Onboarding Process. What is an onboarding process?  An onboarding process is the steps that you take after a new virtual assistant client is signed. What will you send them?  How will you get projects from them?  How will the two of you get to…

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