The Ultimate Virtual Assistant Marketing Plan

Virtual assistant marketing is one of the top struggles I see when someone is first starting out, and it’s no surprise. Less than 3% of people are natural-born marketers, and that’s TOTALLY OKAY.

The good news is that marketing is a skill that can be learned!

Whether or not being loud, outgoing, or “putting yourself out there” comes naturally to you, marketing is all about building relationships—and that’s something we can all do.

In this post, I’m going to give you my personal virtual assistant marketing plan. 

SPOILER ALERT… it doesn’t involve posting to Instagram five times a day.

Let’s dive in!


Step 1: Know Where to Find Clients

The first step in your virtual assistant marketing plan is knowing where your ideal clients are hanging out. For VAs, a great place to start is working with small business owners! 

So here are some of my favorite places to find ideal clients….

Live Networking Events

Live networking events are a goldmine for building relationships, especially for local business owners. The great thing about networking events is that you don’t need to be an extrovert to succeed. 

As an introvert, you can still excel by connecting with one person at a time. Most people at these events enjoy talking about themselves, so just ask questions and let them do the talking.

You can find local business networking events on Facebook or by searching for events in nearby towns. Even if you have to drive an hour or two, it’s worth it for the connections you can make.

Your Own Network

You may feel like you don’t have a network, but trust me—you do! Even if you know just five people, they each know others who could be your potential clients. 

Let people know you’re starting a business and that you’re looking for clients. Many people in your personal circle will likely know small business owners who need your help.

If you need help reaching out to your network – I’ve got you!! 


virtual assistant marketing template


Grab my FREE Personal Outreach Email Template – many of my students have found their very first client using this template!

Facebook Groups

One of the easiest ways to find clients is searching in on Facebook in business groups. Search by typing keywords like “business,” “boss,” or “entrepreneur” in the Groups search bar. 

I recommend private groups with at least 5,000 members. Once you join 10 to 15 groups, start interacting with posts and getting to know the members. 

You don’t have to be everywhere at once—just focus on finding a few groups that feel like a good fit.

Once you’re active in these groups, you can post your wins and share non-salesy updates, like choosing a business logo or sharing your progress. Many of these groups share job opps regularly!

Speaking of Facebook groups, join the Virtual Assistant Savvies Facebook community for ongoing support, networking opportunities, and job opportunities!


Step 2: Set Aside Time for Virtual Assistant Marketing

Secondly, marketing doesn’t happen by itself—you have to actively put in the work. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that posting on social media will automatically bring in clients. 

Trust me, I have over 50,000 followers on Facebook, and sometimes my posts reach just six people. That’s why you need active marketing instead of passive marketing.

Active marketing means taking the time to put yourself out there and build those relationships. 

Whether that’s through one-on-one coffee chats, attending networking events, or sending personalized outreach messages, or intentionally frequenting local businesses and meeting the owner, 

Get creative! Most importantly dedicate time daily to engage in these activities.

Try setting aside an hour a day for interacting in Facebook groups, searching for jobs on LinkedIn or Indeed, and sending proposals. 

You can’t expect clients to come to you—you have to go out and find them.


Step 3: Make the Ask

The third steep is where many virtual assistants get nervous, but it’s a crucial step in the virtual assistant marketing plan. 

Once you’ve built a relationship with someone, you need to ASK for the business. It might feel uncomfortable at first, but the more you do it, the easier it gets.

The “ask” could look like:

  • Asking for a business card at a networking event
  • Suggesting a coffee chat to learn more about a potential client’s business
  • Applying for a job post in a Facebook group or job board
  • Offering a free consultation to potential clients who show interest

Making the ask might feel intimidating, but remember, if you don’t ask, you don’t get. The more you ask, the more opportunities will arise.


Step 4: Follow Up in Your Virtual Assistant Marketing 

The final step is often the hardest! Sales psychology tells us it can take up to seven touchpoints to convert a lead into a client. That means the first time you meet someone at a networking event doesn’t mean they’ll immediately hire you. 

You need to follow up multiple times to stay on their radar and build trust.

Here’s an example of how the follow-up process might look:

  1. You meet someone at a networking event and exchange business cards.
  2. You send a follow-up email thanking them for their time.
  3. If they don’t respond, send a gentle reminder a few days later.
  4. You run into them again at another networking event and have a deeper conversation.
  5. You invite them for a coffee chat or discovery call.
  6. After the call, you send a recap email with next steps.
  7. You follow up one more time to answer any lingering questions and CLOSE. THE. DEAL.

Consistency is key, and the follow-up is where many people drop the ball. But if you continue to nurture your relationships and stay top of mind, you’ll eventually land the client.


Wrapping Up the Ultimate Virtual Assistant Marketing Plan 

Virtual assistant marketing doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By focusing on building relationships through networking, reaching out to your personal network, and consistently following up, you’ll start to attract clients without relying on social media posts or hoping for a viral moment. 

It’s all about creating connections, being persistent, and asking for the business when the time is right.

Want to dive deeper into the virtual assistant marketing strategies I shared? Check out this YouTube video where I walk you through each step in more detail.



Don’t miss out—click here to watch now and take your VA marketing to the next level!

If you’re ready to dive deeper into virtual assistant marketing and learning how to grow your VA business, check out our SavvySystem: VA Launch Academy for all the tools, resources, and templates you need to get started.


Meet Abbey

Abbey Ashley is the Founder of The Virtual Savvy. She helps aspiring virtual assistants launch and grow their own at-home business from scratch. She's since gone on to grow a multi-six figure business and retire her husband ALL from her at-home business. It's now her passion to help others start their own VA business so they can taste the freedom and flexibility of entrepreneurship as well.

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