FREE Virtual Assistant Business Plan Template
If you’re looking for a free Virtual Assistant business plan template, you’re in the right place sweet cakes.
Well, kind of.
Let’s be honest here.
I don’t ACTUALLY believe that you need a business plan to start a Virtual Assistant business.
I know, right?
Here’s the thing…
You don’t necessarily need a business plan in the traditional way that most people talk about business plans.
Generally, you need a business plan when you’re looking at taking out some kind of funding, trying to get a loan or investment, or you’re going into some kind of a partnership agreement.
Do you need ANY of that to start your own at-home VA business?
Being able to start a Virtual Assistant business is so simple that typically you don’t need any outside funding.
Most Virtual Assistants are able to bootstrap their business, which means you don’t need the formal 20-page business plan that most people SAY you need whenever you’re starting a business. You don’t need that.
What you DO need, though, is a plan.
A plan on how to set up your business. A plan on how to price and package your services. A plan on how to market your business.
And that’s what I’m here to give you today!
So while you may have stumbled upon this blog looking for a business plan… what you’re actually going to get today is my anti-business plan.
Enjoy : )
There are actually only two steps in my anti-business plan.
Here they are:
Step 1: Follow a step-by-step template of what you need to do to get your business rolling and to start getting clients.
Step 2: Set goals for yourself so you can project where your business is going in the next 12 months.
Let’s dive into each one in full detail.
First, we’re going to follow a step-by-step template of what you need to do to get your business rolling and to start getting clients.
One of the most important things you can do when you are starting a new business is to follow the steps of someone who has successfully gone before you.
You wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint, right?
You wouldn’t bake for the first time ever without a recipe, right?
You wouldn’t try to put together that crazy new Christmas toy with 10,000 pieces on Christmas Eve with no instructions, right!?
Ok… maybe I’ve done that last one before. I digress…
If you are going to start a virtual assistant business, I suggest taking the advice of successful VA’s who have already done this thang.
That’s why I created my VA Checklist & Starter Kit. It’s LITERALLY a step by step list of everything you need to get your VA business set up correctly.
Let’s go over the main points of the checklist.
Step 1: Select the services you’re going to offer as a Virtual Assistant.
Can you answer customer service emails?
What about setting appointments or taking phone calls?
Can you write social media updates or a blog post?
There are SO many services that you can offer as a virtual assistant. Don’t be overwhelmed by all of the things you *don’t* know how to do. Even one or two services done REALLY well could make the perfect online service business.
So write it out – what can you do that would be helpful to a small business owner? I recommend checking out my list of 50 services you can offer as a Virtual Assistant to get an idea of what types of tasks are possible.
Whatever it is you choose to offer as a service, be sure to decide that before you start marketing your business.
Click here for a list of 50 services you can offer as a Virtual Assistant.
Step 2: Choose an hourly rate or put your services into different packages.
A package enables clients to see exactly what you offer in a really clear format.
Part of your Virtual Assistant Business Plan needs to include what you’re actually going to offer!
You may choose to do packages of hourly services. This would mean that a client would buy a package of hours to use throughout the month. All of your services would be included in those hours.
For example, a Virtual Assistant might say he or she offers 10 hours of virtual assistance in a package for anywhere between $300 – $400. This package then comes out to a $30 – $40 hourly rate.
Here is how your hourly virtual assistant packages pay look:
You may choose to do “package based pricing”. Packages are amazing because they enable you to get paid more per hour as you get faster at your job. With this type of pricing – the client isn’t as concerned with how many hours it takes you to get the job done. The main appeal is that you are getting a specific result for your client.
Krystal Clark from Krystal Clark Creative has a Dubsado Setup Package that helps wedding photographers get their onboarding process to a seamless state. This is a one-time payment package, with payment plan options.
If you don’t want to have prices listed on your website, that is totally fine. Some VAs choose to say “prices starting at” on their website so they weed out clients who can’t afford their rates, but aren’t locked into a certain price before having a discovery call.
Kristiina Craven showcases her services and the value that they bring without locking herself into a specific price.
Click here for more information about how to price your services.
Step 3: Determine how much time you can commit to your business.
Every week, I suggest starting your week by making a task list and blocking off blocks of time on your calendar. Even one hour a day can make a HUGE difference when it comes to building your business.
When are the chunks of times you’re going to work on your business?
Are you going to wake up a few hours earlier?
Stay up a few hours later?
Work during nap time or your lunch break at work?
The truth of the matter is, you aren’t going to FIND time to work on your business.
You will have to MAKE time.
You need to decide how much time you can realistically commit, and that’s going to help you determine how much money you can make in your business.
Step 4: Pick a name for your business.
Hear me out.
I KNOW you want to choose something that’s fun or unique, but don’t get so stuck on the name that you don’t move forward.
I see so many people getting caught up on their business name that they spend three months thinking of options and then never just GET STARTED ALREADY.
Don’t be that guy.
I was able to replace my income with my business, and my business name was simply “Abbey Ashley Virtual Assistance.”
So fancy, right?
So, don’t get too caught up on trying to think of something super, super fun and fancy. Just choose a name, and get started with it.
This is why my Virtual Assistant Business Plan is really an anti-business plan. I’m not all about getting you caught up in the details that prevent you from starting. Let’s do what you NEED to do and get started!
Make sure that you secure the domain name for your business name. I love using Namecheap—it is my favorite place to purchase domains.
Also, you will want to head over to the USTPO website or Trademarkia to ensure your business name and domain are not trademarked.
As you’re doing all of this, you might want to go ahead and secure your social media channels. Make sure your Facebook Page says “” (or /your business name). Go ahead and secure your Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn profiles, if you’re able to.
Learn how to choose a name for your Virtual Assistant business with this helpful post!
Step 5: Decide on your Processes.
Imagine, you have your first client that says, “Yes, I want to hire you!”
After you’ve run around your house screaming in excitement, what are your next steps?
There are several things that you’ll need to decide.
- How will I invoice my clients?
- Are payments due on receipt?
- How often will we meet together?
- Will we do a phone, in person or video chat when we meet?
- How will my clients hand off tasks to me?
- What kind of contract will I have and how will they sign it?
- What will be my working hours? What will be my turn around time for projects?
- How will you ask for testimonials/referrals for your clients?
- Will you track time? If so – what tool will you use?
There are SO many choices to make when it comes to running your business. That’s why I recommend downloading this 53 page Resources Guide with all of my favorite TOOLS to use as a virtual assistant.
Step 6: Set Up the Legalities.
The very first “legal” thing you’ll want to do for your business is set up an EIN number.
There are services that you can pay to do this for you but it is SO easy peasy that you really can do it yourself!
Here is a link you can use to set up your own EIN number.
You can also check more details on how to get an EIN Number at LLC Formations. You’re going to use this EIN number for tax paperwork instead of your social security number.
Sweet Baby Jesus, please don’t give your social security number out to people.
You’ll want to use your EIN number instead.
Again, it’s totally free. No excuses!
Remember, you’ll also need that EIN number in order to get your business checking account. Your business finances should be separate from your personal finances, and you’ll need an EIN number to set up a business checking account.
You’ll also need to decide if you want to set up an LLC for your business, or not.
While I suggest every person sets up an LLC eventually, you have to decide when the right time is for you.
Got all that? I know it’s a lot but you’ve got this! Remember to download my Business Plan Template to get all this info in PDF format!
Now, Let’s Set Goals.
Like I mentioned before, goals are a part of what would be in a normal business plan, but it doesn’t have to be quite so formal.
I love having a 12-month goal sheet I can look at month-by-month. Here’s what mine looks like:
Divide Annual Goal into Monthly Goals
You know, it’s easy to get overwhelmed if you’re like, I want to start making $2,000 – $5,000 per month in my business. And maybe that’s your goal by the end of the year. But it’s SO much easier if you say, this month I want to set up my business structure, I’ll start marketing next month, and then I’ll get my first client in the month after that.
As you start to break it apart, it becomes so much easier to picture that goal of making $2,000 – $5,000 per month.
So, make sure you download your goal spreadsheet, and start planning those goals!
Don’t worry about everybody else’s goals! It’s okay if what you want looks different from what other people want.
Your life situation is different than other people’s. So don’t get overwhelmed with all these people saying they’re making $10k – $20k online per month.
You focus on what you need and what your goals are for you and your family.
I want you to close your eyes for a second and think about these questions.
What do I want…
- …my life to look like one year from now?
- …to wake up and be doing?
- …to offer as services?
- …my family life to look like?
- …my financial situation to look like?
Get a clear mental picture of your answers to the above questions, and then work backward whenever you’re figuring out your goals.
What do I do next?
I hope that you enjoyed this super detailed Virtual Assistant Business Plan. It may look different than a “traditional” business plan but it’s exactly what you need to get rockin’ on that at-home business!
Next — download my free Virtual Assistant Checklist & Starter Kit to help you get your new VA business off the ground FAST!
Meet Abbey
Abbey Ashley is the Founder of The Virtual Savvy. She helps aspiring virtual assistants launch and grow their own at-home business from scratch. She's since gone on to grow a multi-six figure business and retire her husband ALL from her at-home business. It's now her passion to help others start their own VA business so they can taste the freedom and flexibility of entrepreneurship as well.
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