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Your Virtual Assistant Business Name

Does anyone else feel like choosing your virtual assistant business name is a bit like naming your child? Seriously – you read all the books. You have a list. Then You go over your “favorites” with those you love. And then you go back and forth until you almost drive yourself crazy with this major…

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VA Spotlight: Melanie Fountain

Meet Melanie. Melanie Fountain is a single mom who had been working in a corporate environment for 15 years, but dreamed that there could be more. She was sick of missing out on the most valuable times with her daughter. She wanted flexibility, financial freedom, and to find enjoyment and happiness in her work. Enough…

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Virtual Assistance 101

Raise your hand if you’ve ever found yourself at 3:00 AM researching “remote work ideas” more times than you can count. 🙋🙋🙋 I’ve been there. MANY of us have been there.  Save yourself the time. Seriously. Here are the most common results you’ll find:  Survey Taker: Yes – because spending 2 hours taking a survey…

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Community Manager Job Description (WORK AT HOME!)

Looking to add Community Management to your list of services (or just wondering what is an actual community manager job description!?) You’re in the right place, sister. I’ve been training virtual assistants for years now and for the most part, I tell my students to start out with “general” services. Those would include things like…

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Online Business Manager vs. Virtual Assistant

Ok, Online Business Manager vs. Virtual Assistant. What am I talking about here? Have you heard the term “Online Business Manager” and curious about what it is? Or have you been a Virtual Assistant for some time and are wondering how the Online Business Manager or OBM life compares to being a Virtual Assistant? In…

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Virtual Assistant Contracts (GET YOUR BUTT LEGAL!)

Today, we are going to get REAL about Virtual Assistant Contracts. You know how whenever you go out with family or friends to do a fun physical activity (like an Escape Room), the company makes you sign a waiver? “Yes… I’ll go in this dark, scary room with strangers and agree that it’s totally cool…

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