Your Virtual Assistant Business Name
Does anyone else feel like choosing your virtual assistant business name is a bit like naming your child? Seriously – you read all the books. You have a list. Then You go over your “favorites” with those you love. And then you go back and forth until you almost drive yourself crazy with this major…
Read MoreVirtual Assistant Contracts (GET YOUR BUTT LEGAL!)
Today, we are going to get REAL about Virtual Assistant Contracts. You know how whenever you go out with family or friends to do a fun physical activity (like an Escape Room), the company makes you sign a waiver? “Yes… I’ll go in this dark, scary room with strangers and agree that it’s totally cool…
Read MoreHow To Fire a Client
So the time has come for you to fire a client, eh? It’s a tough realization to make, and once you do – it can be even tougher to know how to handle it appropriately.
It’s time to put together your first virtual assistant contract. I know… you’re nervous. What needs to be included? How can I make sure I’m covered, legally? We had so much positive feedback from our last post/interview with Danielle Liss from Businessese, that we thought it would be good to do a follow-up post to…
Read MoreLegally Cover Your Virtual Assistant Business
Get ready for the best virtual assistant legal advice you’ve ever received. *Ta-da!* I’m super excited to be sharing with you today an interview with my friend Danielle Liss from Businessese. Danielle is an attorney who’s passion is to help online entrepreneurs navigate the legal side of their business. Danielle has spoken at dozens of…
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